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Even if you don't wear makeup, makeup remover is still important in your beauty and skincare routine. Here are some reasons why makeup remover is essential:
- Removing dirt and dust: Over time, dirt, dust, and environmental pollutants can accumulate on the surface of the facial skin. Makeup remover helps effectively remove these impurities, which can prevent clogged pores and other skin issues.
- Getting rid of excess skin oil: The skin naturally produces oil (sebum) to maintain moisture and protect the skin. Even without using makeup, excess skin oil can build up on the face. Makeup remover helps eliminate excess oil and maintain skin balance.
- Clearing away product residue: Skincare products like sunscreen, night creams, or serums can accumulate on the face throughout the day. Makeup remover helps clean up these product residues, allowing the skin to better absorb skincare treatments.
- Deep cleansing: Soap or facial cleansers alone might not be enough for a deep cleansing. Makeup remover can help dissolve and remove stubborn makeup or dirt that is hard to get rid of.
- Preventing premature aging: Regularly removing dirt and makeup can help prevent premature aging and skin damage caused by environmental exposure.
- Maintaining healthier skin: Cleansing the face with makeup remover regularly helps ensure the skin stays healthy, radiant, and glowing.
GreenAard Makeup Remover is a water-based makeup remover that is gentle on sensitive and normal skin. It helps to remove makeup and dead skin cells, making it safe for daily use. It effectively removes even the most stubborn makeup by gently rubbing it on the skin. It is suitable for those who want to avoid skin irritation as it is fragrance-free. The unique 5-in-1 formula ensures it doesn't leave the face feeling tight:
- Removes makeup and sunblock
- Cleanses the face
- Removes excess oil from the face
- Eliminates dead skin cells from the facial skin
- Moisturizes the skin.
The ingredients used in GreenAard Makeup Remover are:
Plant Extract | Active Ingredients | Functions |
Glycerine |
Aloe vera leaf extract | Mannan, glucomannan, antrakuinon, sterol, saponin |
Coconut oil | Caprylic |
Chestnut extract | Aescin |
Vegetable extract | Panthenol (Provitamin B5) |
Sugar fermentation | Sodium PCA |
How to use GreenAard Makeup Remover
Spray a small amount on the palm of your hand, then apply to the entire face/make-up area. Rinse with water. Pat dry your face with a clean towel.
GreenAard Makeup Remover is produced in a factory with GMP status. The products produced will go through a very strict quality process and must have the approval of the Ministry of Health (OT 161000079K.
"Does GreenAard Makeup Remover contain mercury?"
There are many concerns about the "timbang kilo" product. We are transparent about it. You can refer to the recent batch laboratory result below. No trace of heavy metals was found. "LOR" is the benchmark for the presence of metals. If the instrument cannot detect any metals up to the benchmark value, it means the product is free from heavy metals.
- Makeup Remover Testimonials: CLICK HERE
- Makeup Remover Demo: CLICK HERE
- Blog about Makeup Remover: CLICK HERE
- Makeup Remover FAQ: CLICK HERE
Want to make a purchase? You can scroll to the top of this page and order there. For any questions you can:
- Live Chat with GreenAard. Click LET'S TALK at the bottom left of this website.
- Whatsapp 012-7728976 or 013-7557424
- Email
Disclaimer: What we have to say on this web is true and accurate according to current facts and from actual user reviews. Users are advised to use this product as instructions on the product. However we are not responsible if any problems / complications occur to the user on the use of this product.
Walaupun tidak memakai makeup, makeup remover tetap penting dalam rutin kecantikan dan perawatan kulit. Berikut adalah beberapa alasan mengapa makeup remover penting:
- Menanggalkan kotoran dan debu: Lama kelamaan, kotoran, habuk dan zarah pencemaran boleh terkumpul di permukaan kulit muka. Makeup remover membantu menanggalkan kotoran ini dengan berkesan, yang boleh membantu mengelakkan liang tersumbat dan masalah kulit yang lain.
- Membuang lebihan minyak kulit: Kulit secara semula jadi menghasilkan minyak (sebum) untuk mengekalkan kelembapan dan melindungi kulit. Walaupun tidak menggunakan alat solek, minyak kulit yang berlebihan boleh terkumpul di muka. Makeup remover membantu menghilangkan minyak berlebihan dan mengekalkan keseimbangan kulit.
- Menghapuskan sisa produk: Produk penjagaan kulit, seperti pelindung matahari, krim malam atau serum, boleh terkumpul di muka sepanjang hari. Makeup remover membantu membersihkan sisa produk ini supaya kulit dapat menyerap penjagaan kulit dengan lebih baik.
- Pembersihan mendalam: Sabun atau pencuci muka sahaja tidak cukup untuk pembersihan yang mendalam. Makeup remover, boleh membantu melarutkan dan menanggalkan sisa solekan atau kotoran yang lebih sukar ditanggalkan.
- Mencegah penuaan pramatang: Menanggalkan kotoran dan solekan secara berkala boleh membantu mencegah penuaan pramatang dan kerosakan kulit akibat pendedahan alam sekitar.
- Mengekalkan kulit yang lebih sihat: Membersihkan muka dengan makeup remover secara kerap membantu memastikan kulit menjadi sihat, cerah dan berseri.
Makeup Remover GreenAard adalah penghilang solekan berasaskan air yang cukup lembut pada kulit sensitif dan kulit normal. Ia membantu membuang solekan dan sel-sel mati. Selamat untuk kegunaan harian. Ia menanggalkan walau solekan yang paling degil dengan hanya menggosokkan jari secara perlahan-lahan pada kulit. Sesuai digunakan untuk mereka yang ingin mengelakkan iritasi pada kulit kerana produk ini bebas haruman. Ia unik, dengan rumusan 5 dalam 1 yang tidak memberikan ketegangan pada wajah:
- Menanggalkan solekan dan sunblock
- Membersihkan wajah
- Membuang lebihan minyak pada wajah
- Membuang sel-sel mati pada kulit wajah
- Melembapkan kulit
Bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam Makeup Remover GreenAard:
Ekstrak Tumbuhan | Bahan Aktif | Fungsi |
Glycerin |
Ekstrak daun aloe vera | Mannan, glucomannan, antrakuinon, sterol, saponin |
Minyak kelapa | Caprylic |
Ekstrak buah berangan | Aescin |
Ekstrak sayuran | Panthenol (Provitamin B5) |
Hasil penapaian gula | Sodium PCA |
Cara penggunaan Makeup Remover GreenAard
Semburkan sedikit pada tapak tangan, kemudian sapu pada seluruh wajah/kawasan solekan. Bilas dengan air. Keringkan wajah dengan tuala bersih secara pat dry.
Makeup Remover GreenAard dihasilkan di kilang yang berstatus GMP. Produk yang dikeluarkan akan melalui proses kualiti yang amat ketat dan sudah mesti mempunyai kelulusan KKM ( OT 161000079K .
"Makeup Remover GreenAard ada merkuri tak?"
Banyak isu tentang produk timbang kilo. Kami bersikap telus. Boleh rujuk recent batch laboratory result di bawah ini. No trace heavy metals. "LOR" adalah benchmark untuk kehadiran metal. Jika instrument tidak dapat mengesan sebarang metals sehingga ke nilai benchmark, itu maknanya produk bebas dari heavy metal.
- Testimoni Makeup Remover: KLIK SINI
- Demo Makeup Remover: KLIK SINI
- Blog tentang Makeup Remover: KLIK SINI
- FAQ Makeup Remover: KLIK SINI
Ingin buat pembelian? Boleh scroll ke bahagian paling atas page ini dan order di situ. Untuk sebarang pertanyaan boleh:
- Live Chat dengan GreenAard. Klik LET'S TALK di bahagian kiri bawah website ini.
- Whatsapp 012-7728976 atau 013-7557424
- Email